Friday, June 01, 2007

We're Baaack!

Many of you may have been wondering where we've been these last several months. We've been ever so self-protective. Unwilling to risk and share what's been taking place in our life. And frankly, I'm not sure that we have the energy to divulge too much right now. We're just thrilled that we could get back on to our blog. We spent much time and energy trying to remember our old username and password so we could link it to our new gmail account. Funny how some things just slip your mind. I'm sure somebody inside had all the info and was just laughing their asses off, watching the rest of us struggle with that. I hate it when I can't remember simple things. And not everyone inside is cooperative. So we made educated guesses and eventually hit the right combo.

Soon I hope to sit down and right about at least some of our ups and downs. Mostly downs, sad to say. There's this fear, however, that as we share painful things, others will be hurt in the process - people that we face regularly. We're angry and hurting and can't seem to get past it and we don't have the balls yet to tell them face to face. Some inside are so afraid of rejection that they just keep hiding their pain. Others have received the message all too often that their anger is unacceptable. So I guess the decision that must be made is whether this blog is for them or for us? By keeping my mouth shut, I'm letting them control me, something that has gone on for far too long in my life as it is. So the challenge becomes making decisions not based out of fear but out of choice. I can choose to post and damn the consequences. Let the chips fall where they may. It is what it is. And so on....Not posting doesn't change what's going on and maybe posting will change what's happening for me, at least.

I acknowledge that this post is much less coherent and fails to really have a point. But I just wanted to do
something to get my voice back. So we're on our way. More soon.


Anonymous said...

Glad you are back!

Eliana Hephzibah said...

Long time no see. I'm glad you are getting your voice back. Godspeed to you!

Eliana H.